KompasTekno menggelar event berburu foto Photo Hunt Phone. Lokasi perdananya adalah kawasan Blok M, Jakarta Selatan, saat sore hingga malam hari.
Pada hari pertama perayaan HUT Jakarta, yakni 22 Juni 2024, Pemprov DKI Jakarta akan menyelenggarakan upacara di Monas.
Informasi mengenai jadwal dan lokasi Samsat Keliling di Jakarta 19 Juni 2024.
MK memutuskan pemilu ulang di dua TPS di Sorong, Papua Barat Daya. PSU harus dilakukan setelah terungkap adanya caleg yang merangkap jadi KPPS.
Dengan teknologi Cameyo, organisasi yang ingin beralih dari Windows atau bekerja dengan Windows di laptop ChromeOS, bisa lebih mudah.
The sexual scandals exposure one after another in our government, and how Prime Minister Morrison and his officials deal with them and their attitudes towards them, we can't accept neither.
Results from ongoing study suggest the major role of Celartics' Cov-DCVax in preventing viral infection of COVID-19 and in controlling progression of the virus-associated diseasesBeijing, May 22, 2020, Celartics Biopharma announced today the filing of a patent application covering a novel dendritic cell (DC)-based vaccine, Cov-DCVax, to fight viral infection of COVID-19. The results, led by Celart